msiem 0.3.4.dev0




msiem [-h] [-V] {config,alarms,esm,ds,events,wl,api} ...


McAfee SIEM Command Line Interface 0.3.4dev. Most of the core msiempy features accessible with CLI.

License: MIT. Credits: Andy Walden, Tristan Landes.

Hosted on GitHub at:

Run `msiem <command> --help` for more information about a sub-command.



  • msiem config
    Set and print your msiempy config.
  • msiem alarms
    Query alarms with alarms and events based regex filters. Print, acknowledge, unacknowledge and delete alarms.
  • msiem esm
    Show ESM version and misc informations regarding your ESM.
  • msiem ds
    Add datasources from CSV or INI files, list, search, remove.
  • msiem events
    Query events with any simple filter. Add a note to events.
  • msiem wl
    Manage watchlists. Export, import values.
  • msiem api
    Quickly make API requests to any enpoints with any data.

Options 'msiem config'

usage: msiem config [-h] [--print] [--set '<section>' ['<option>' '<value>'] ['<section>' ['<option>' '<value>'] ...]]

Set and print your msiempy config.

Set your ESM hostname/user/password interactively:

$ msiem confi --set esm

Set the general config verbose/quiet/logfile/timeout/ssl_verify interactively:

$ msiem config --set general

Enable quiet mode (no infos or warnings):

$ msiem config --set general quiet true --set general verbose false
  • --print
    Print configuration fields, password base 64 truncated from the output.

  • --set '<section>' ['<option>' '<value>'] ['<section>' ['<option>' '<value>'] ...]
    Set the config option to the specified value if passed (can be repeated), OR inveractively prompt for specified configuration section: 'esm' or 'general'.

Options 'msiem alarms'

usage: msiem alarms [-h] [--action action] [--force] [--time_range time_range] [--start_time time] [--end_time time] [--status status] [--filters '<field>=<regex>' ['<field>=<regex>' ...]] [--event_filters '<field>=<regex>' ['<field>=<regex>' ...]] [--alarms_fields list of fields [list of fields ...]] [--events_fields list of fields [list of fields ...]] [--json] [--page_size page_size] [--pages pages] [--no_events] [--query_events]

Query alarms with alarms and events based regex filters.
Print, acknowledge, unacknowledge and delete alarms.


Acknowledges the (unacknowledged) alarms triggered in the last 3 days that mention "HTTP: SQL Injection Attempt Detected" in the triggered event name and destinated to :

$ msiem alarms --action acknowledge -t LAST_24_HOURS --status unacknowledged --filters "ruleName=HTTP: SQL Injection Attempt Detected" "destIp="

Save the current day alarms as JSON:

$ msiem alarms -t CURRENT_DAY --no_events --json
  • --action action
    What to do with the alarms, if not specified will print only. Chose from 'acknowledge','unacknowledge','delete'

  • --force
    Will not prompt for confirmation to do the specified action

  • --time_range time_range, -t time_range

  • --start_time time, --t1 time
    Start trigger date

  • --end_time time, --t2 time
    End trigger date

  • --status status
    Status of the alarm. Chose from 'acknowledged','unacknowledged','all'

  • --filters '<field>=<regex>' ['<field>=<regex>' ...], -f '<field>=<regex>' ['<field>=<regex>' ...]
    List of alarm related field/matchvalue filters. Repeatable. Alarm related fields can be : id, summary, assignee, severity, triggeredDate, acknowledgedDate, acknowledgedUsername, alarmName, events, and others

  • --event_filters '<field>=<regex>' ['<field>=<regex>' ...], -e '<field>=<regex>' ['<field>=<regex>' ...]
    List of triggering event related field/matchvalue filters. Repeatable. Event related fields can be : ruleName, srcIp, destIp, protocol, lastTime, subtype, destPort, destMac, srcMac, srcPort, deviceName, sigId, normId, srcUser, destUser, normMessage, normDesc, host, domain, ipsId, etc... Or (if --query_events) : Rule.msg, Alert.SrcPort, Alert.DstPort, Alert.SrcIP, Alert.DstIP, Alert.SrcMac, Alert.DstMac, Alert.LastTime, Rule.NormID, Alert.DSIDSigID, Alert.IPSIDAlertID, etc...

  • --alarms_fields list of fields [list of fields ...]
    List of fields that appear in the alarm table. Overwritten by --json

  • --events_fields list of fields [list of fields ...]
    List of fields that appear in the events sub tables. Default value: ['ruleName', 'srcIp', 'destIp']. If you use --query_events, this list will be used to query needed values, you must specify all fields you want to filter on with ewvent_filters. Default value if --query_events: ['Rule.msg', 'SrcIP', 'DstIP']. Overwritten by --json.

  • --json
    Prints only a JSON object to STDOUT output.

  • --page_size page_size, -p page_size
    Size of requests

  • --pages pages, -n pages
    Number of alarm pages to load

  • --no_events
    Do not load the complete trigerring events informations. On SIEM v11.x, still load the events infos from notifyGetTriggeredNotification. (Else events field is a string).

  • --query_events
    Use the query module to retreive events, much more effcient. Event keys will be like 'Alert.SrcIP' instead of 'srcIp'

Options 'msiem esm'

usage: msiem esm [-h] [--version] [--time] [--disks] [--ram] [--callhome] [--status] [--timezones]

Show ESM version and misc informations regarding your ESM.

  • --version
    Show ESM version

  • --time
    time (GMT)

  • --disks
    disk status

  • --ram
    ram status

  • --callhome
    True/False if callhome is active/not active

  • --status
    Statuses and a few other less interesting details : autoBackupEnabled, autoBackupDay, backupLastTime, backupNextTime, rulesAndSoftwareCheckEnabled, rulesAndSoftLastCheck, rulesAndSoftNextCheck

  • --timezones
    Current ESM timezone

Options 'msiem ds'

usage: msiem ds [-h] [-a <file or folder>] [-s [term]] [-l] [--delete <datasource ID> [<datasource ID> ...]] [--deleteclients <datasource ID> [<datasource ID> ...]] [--force]

Add datasources from CSV or INI files, list, search, remove.

INI format: Single datasource per file.

# name of datasource (required)
# ip of datasource (ip or hostname required)
# hostname of te new datasource
# type of datasource (required)
# id of parent device (required)
# True value designate a client datasource 

CSV Format: Multiple datasources per file


Add Datasources with:

$ msiem ds --add "File or folder"
  • -a <file or folder>, --add <file or folder>
    Scan a directory or a file for new Datasource files and add them to the ESM. Datasources can be defined in CSV or INI format.

  • -s [term], --search [term]
    Search for datasource name, hostname, or IP.May require quotes around the name if thereare spaces.

  • -l, --list
    Display datasources.

  • --delete <datasource ID> [<datasource ID> ...], --remove <datasource ID> [<datasource ID> ...]
    Deletes the datasource and all the data. Be careful.

  • --deleteclients <datasource ID> [<datasource ID> ...]
    Deletes the datasource's clients and all the data. Be careful.

  • --force
    Do not ask the user input before deletion of the datasources / datasources client.

Options 'msiem events'

usage: msiem events [-h] [--time_range time_range] [--start_time <time>] [--end_time <time>] [--filters <filter> [<filter> ...]] [--fields <field> [<field> ...]] [--json] [--limit <int>] [--max <int>] [--grouped] [--add_note <file or text>] [--listfields] [--listfilters]

Query events with filters, add note to events.

With simple filters:

$ msiem events --filters DstIP= SrcIP= --fields SrcIP DstIP

Query events with pecific operatior and multiple values filters (filters are ANDed together inside a group filter). Print the results as JSON.

$ msiem events --filter SrcIP IN --filter DSIDSigID IN 49190-4294967295 --fields SrcIP DstIP Rule.msg DSIDSigID --json
  • --time_range time_range, -t time_range

  • --start_time <time>, --t1 <time>
    Start trigger date

  • --end_time <time>, --t2 <time>
    End trigger date

  • --filters <filter> [<filter> ...], -f <filter> [<filter> ...]
    List of Event field/value filters: '<field>=<value>' or '<field>' '<operator>' '<value1>' '<value2>...'. Repeatable. Will generate only EsmBasicValue filters.
    Filter fields can be: Rule.msg, Alert.SrcPort, Alert.DstPort, Alert.SrcIP, Alert.DstIP, Alert.SrcMac, Alert.DstMac, Alert.LastTime, Rule.NormID, Alert.DSIDSigID, Alert.IPSIDAlertID, etc...

  • --fields <field> [<field> ...]
    List of fields that appear in the events table. Default value: ['Rule.msg', 'SrcIP', 'DstIP'].

  • --json
    Prints only a JSON object to STDOUT output.

  • --limit <int>
    Size of requests

  • --max <int>, --max_query_depth <int>
    Maximum number of reccursive time based divisions the loading process can apply to the query in order to load all events

  • --grouped
    Indicate a grouped events query, a IPSID filter must be provided and only one field value is accepted.

  • --add_note <file or text>
    Add a note to the events matching the filters.

  • --listfields
    List all possible fields names

  • --listfilters
    List all possible fields names usable in filters

Options 'msiem wl'

usage: msiem wl [-h] [-l] [-t] [-e <wl_name>] [--add <wl_name> <wl_type> <wl_name> <wl_type>] [--delete <wl ID>] [-a <wl_name> <file or values>... [<wl_name> <file or values>... ...]] [--rmvalues <wl_name> <file or values>... [<wl_name> <file or values>... ...]] [--json]

Watchlist operations.

  • -l, --list
    List the ESM watchlists and exit.

  • -t, --types
    List all possible watchlists types and exit.

  • -e <wl_name>, --values <wl_name>
    List watchlist values and exit. Redirect STDOUT to file to export data.

  • --add <wl_name> <wl_type> <wl_name> <wl_type>
    NotImplemented. Create a static watchlist.

  • --delete <wl ID>, --remove <wl ID>
    NotImplemented. Deletes a Watchlist

  • -a <wl_name> <file or values>... [<wl_name> <file or values>... ...], --addvalues <wl_name> <file or values>... [<wl_name> <file or values>... ...]
    NotImplemented. Add values to a static watchlist.

  • --rmvalues <wl_name> <file or values>... [<wl_name> <file or values>... ...]
    NotImplemented. Remove watchlist values from the watchlist.

  • --json
    NotImplemented. Prints only a JSON object to STDOUT output.

Options 'msiem api'

usage: msiem api [-h] [-m <method>] [-d <JSON string or file>] [-a <key>=<value> [<key>=<value> ...]] [-l]

Quickly make API requests to any enpoints with any data. Print resposne to sdtout as JSON.

Request v2/alarmGetTriggeredAlarms:

$ msiem api --method "v2/alarmGetTriggeredAlarms?triggeredTimeRange=LAST_24_HOURS&status=&pageSize=500&pageNumber=1"
  • -m <method>, --method <method>
    SIEM API method name or NitroSession.PARAMS keyword. Exemple: 'v2/qryGetSelectFields' or 'get_possible_fields', see 'msiem api --list' for full details .

  • -d <JSON string or file>, --data <JSON string or file>
    POST data, in the case of a API method name call. See the SIEM API docs for full details.

  • -a <key>=<value> [<key>=<value> ...], --args <key>=<value> [<key>=<value> ...]
    Interpolation parameters, in the case of a NitroSession.PARAMS keyword call. See 'msiem api --list' for full details.

  • -l, --list
    List all available SIEM API calls as well as all supported calls with keywords and parameter mapping. All upper cases method names signals to use the private API methods.

  • -V, --version
    Show version and exit


msiem was written by Andy Walden, Tristan Landes <<<UNSET --author_email OPTION>>>.


The latest version of msiem may be downloaded from GitHub

List of all requests

Generated with msiempy 0.3.5 from ESM 11.3.0

$ msiem api --list

All possible SIEM requests: 
msiem api --method v2/alarmAcknowledgeTriggeredAlarm --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/alarmDeleteTriggeredAlarm --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/alarmGetTriggeredAlarms --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/alarmUnacknowledgeTriggeredAlarm --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/assetGetAssetDetailsObject --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/assetGetAssetThreats --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/caseAddCase --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/caseAddCaseStatus --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/caseAddOrganization --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/caseDeleteCaseStatus --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/caseEditCase --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/caseEditCaseStatus --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/caseEditOrganization --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/caseGetCaseDetail --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/caseGetCaseEventsDetail --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/caseGetCaseList --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/caseGetCaseStatusList --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/caseGetCaseUsers --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/caseGetOrganizationList --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/devGetDeviceList --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/dsAddDataSourceClients --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/dsAddDataSourceClientsStatus --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/dsAddDataSources --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/dsAddDataSourcesStatus --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/dsDeleteDataSourceClients --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/dsDeleteDataSources --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/dsEditDataSource --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/dsEditDataSourceClient --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/dsGetDataSourceClients --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/dsGetDataSourceDetail --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/dsGetDataSourceList --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/dsGetDataSourceTypes --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/dsGetEpoList --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/dsGetUserDefinedDataSources --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/dsSetUserDefinedDataSources --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/dsWriteThirdpartyConfig --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/essmgtGetBuildStamp --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/essmgtGetESSTime --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/geoGetGeoLocRegionList --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/geoGetGeoLocs --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/getActiveResponseCollectors --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/grpGetDeviceTree --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/grpGetDeviceTreeEx --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/ipsGetAlertData --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/ipsGetCorrRawEvents --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/miscJobStatus --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/miscKeepAlive --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/notifyGetTriggeredNotificationDetail --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/plcyGetPolicyList --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/plcyGetVariableList --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/plcyRollPolicy --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/qryClose --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/qryExecute --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/qryExecuteDetail --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/qryExecuteGrouped --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/qryGetCorrEventDataForID --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/qryGetFilterFields --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/qryGetResults --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/qryGetSelectFields --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/qryGetStatus --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/runActiveResponseSearch --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/sysAddWatchlist --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/sysAddWatchlistValues --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/sysEditWatchlist --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/sysGetWatchlistDetails --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/sysGetWatchlistFields --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/sysGetWatchlistValues --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/sysGetWatchlists --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/sysRemoveWatchlist --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/sysRemoveWatchlistValues --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/userAddAccessGroup --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/userAddUser --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/userCaseList --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/userDeleteAccessGroup --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/userDeleteUser --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/userEditAccessGroup --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/userEditUser --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/userGetAccessGroupDetail --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/userGetAccessGroupList --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/userGetRightsList --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/userGetTimeZones --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/userGetUserList --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/userGetUserRights --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/zoneAddSubZone --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/zoneAddZone --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/zoneDeleteSubZone --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/zoneDeleteZone --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/zoneEditSubZone --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/zoneEditZone --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/zoneGetSubZone --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/zoneGetZone --data <JSON string or file>
msiem api --method v2/zoneGetZoneTree --data <JSON string or file>

Requests with API parameters interpolation
msiem api --method 'login' --args username=<value> password=<value> # Call login  
msiem api --method 'get_devtree'  # Call GRP_GETVIRTUALGROUPIPSLISTDATA  
msiem api --method 'get_zones_devtree'  # Call GRP_GETVIRTUALGROUPIPSLISTDATA  
msiem api --method 'req_client_str' --args ds_id=<value> # Call DS_GETDSCLIENTLIST  
msiem api --method 'get_rfile' --args ftoken=<value> # Call MISC_READFILE  
msiem api --method 'del_rfile' --args ftoken=<value> # Call ESSMGT_DELETEFILE  
msiem api --method 'get_rfile2' --args ftoken=<value> pos=<value> nbytes=<value> # Call MISC_READFILE  
msiem api --method 'get_wfile' --args ds_id=<value> # Call MISC_WRITEFILE  
msiem api --method 'get_rule_history'  # Call PLCY_GETRULECHANGEINFO  
msiem api --method 'add_ds_11_1_3' --args parent_id=<value> name=<value> ds_ip=<value> type_id=<value> zone_id=<value> enabled=<value> url=<value> ds_id=<value> child_enabled=<value> child_count=<value> child_type=<value> idm_id=<value> parameters=<value> # Call dsAddDataSource  
msiem api --method 'add_ds_11_2_1' --args parent_id=<value> name=<value> ds_ip=<value> type_id=<value> zone_id=<value> enabled=<value> url=<value> parameters=<value> # Call dsAddDataSources  
msiem api --method 'add_client1' --args parent_id=<value> name=<value> enabled=<value> ds_ip=<value> hostname=<value> type_id=<value> tz_id=<value> dorder=<value> maskflag=<value> port=<value> require_tls=<value> # Call DS_ADDDSCLIENT  
msiem api --method 'get_recs'  # Call devGetDeviceList  
msiem api --method 'get_dstypes' --args rec_id=<value> # Call dsGetDataSourceTypes  
msiem api --method 'del_ds1' --args parent_id=<value> ds_id=<value> # Call dsDeleteDataSource  
msiem api --method 'del_ds2' --args parent_id=<value> ds_id=<value> # Call dsDeleteDataSources  
msiem api --method 'del_client' --args parent_id=<value> ftoken=<value> # Call DS_DELETEDSCLIENTS  
msiem api --method 'get_job_status' --args job_id=<value> # Call MISC_JOBSTATUS  
msiem api --method 'ds_last_times'  # Call QRY_GETDEVICELASTALERTTIME  
msiem api --method 'zonetree'  # Call zoneGetZoneTree  
msiem api --method 'ds_by_type'  # Call QRY_GETDEVICECOUNTBYTYPE  
msiem api --method 'ds_details1' --args ds_id=<value> # Call dsGetDataSourceDetail  
msiem api --method 'ds_details2' --args ds_id=<value> # Call dsGetDataSourceDetail  
msiem api --method 'get_alarms_custom_time' --args time_range=<value> start_time=<value> end_time=<value> status=<value> page_size=<value> page_number=<value> # Call alarmGetTriggeredAlarms  
msiem api --method 'get_alarms' --args time_range=<value> status=<value> page_size=<value> page_number=<value> # Call alarmGetTriggeredAlarms  
msiem api --method 'get_notification_detail' --args id=<value> # Call notifyGetTriggeredNotificationDetail  
msiem api --method 'get_alarm_details' --args id=<value> # Call notifyGetTriggeredNotification  
msiem api --method 'get_alarm_details_int' --args id=<value> # Call NOTIFY_GETTRIGGEREDNOTIFICATIONDETAIL  
msiem api --method 'ack_alarms' --args ids=<value> # Call alarmAcknowledgeTriggeredAlarm  
msiem api --method 'ack_alarms_11_2_1' --args ids=<value> # Call alarmAcknowledgeTriggeredAlarm  
msiem api --method 'unack_alarms' --args ids=<value> # Call alarmUnacknowledgeTriggeredAlarm  
msiem api --method 'unack_alarms_11_2_1' --args ids=<value> # Call alarmUnacknowledgeTriggeredAlarm  
msiem api --method 'delete_alarms' --args ids=<value> # Call alarmDeleteTriggeredAlarm  
msiem api --method 'delete_alarms_11_2_1' --args ids=<value> # Call alarmDeleteTriggeredAlarm  
msiem api --method 'get_alerts_now' --args ds_id=<value> # Call IPS_GETALERTSNOW  
msiem api --method 'get_flows_now' --args ds_id=<value> # Call IPS_GETFLOWSNOW  
msiem api --method 'get_possible_filters'  # Call v2/qryGetFilterFields  
msiem api --method 'get_possible_fields' --args type=<value> groupType=<value> # Call v2/qryGetSelectFields  
msiem api --method 'event_query_custom_time' --args time_range=<value> start_time=<value> end_time=<value> fields=<value> filters=<value> limit=<value> offset=<value> order_field=<value> order_direction=<value> # Call v2/qryExecuteDetail  
msiem api --method 'event_query' --args time_range=<value> fields=<value> filters=<value> limit=<value> offset=<value> order_field=<value> order_direction=<value> # Call v2/qryExecuteDetail  
msiem api --method 'query_status' --args resultID=<value> # Call v2/qryGetStatus  
msiem api --method 'query_result' --args startPos=<value> numRows=<value> resultID=<value> # Call v2/qryGetResults  
msiem api --method 'grouped_event_query' --args filters=<value> field=<value> time_range=<value> # Call v2/qryExecuteGrouped  
msiem api --method 'grouped_event_query_custom_time' --args filters=<value> field=<value> time_range=<value> start_time=<value> end_time=<value> # Call v2/qryExecuteGrouped  
msiem api --method 'close_query' --args resultID=<value> # Call v2/qryClose  
msiem api --method 'get_alert_data' --args id=<value> # Call ipsGetAlertData  
msiem api --method 'add_note_to_event' --args id=<value> note=<value> # Call ipsAddAlertNote  
msiem api --method 'add_note_to_event_int' --args id=<value> note=<value> # Call IPS_ADDALERTNOTE  
msiem api --method 'get_wl_types'  # Call sysGetWatchlistFields  
msiem api --method 'get_watchlists_no_filters' --args hidden=<value> dynamic=<value> writeOnly=<value> indexedOnly=<value> # Call sysGetWatchlists  
msiem api --method 'get_watchlist_details' --args id=<value> # Call sysGetWatchlistDetails  
msiem api --method 'add_watchlist' --args name=<value> wl_type=<value> # Call sysAddWatchlist  
msiem api --method 'add_watchlist_values' --args watchlist=<value> values=<value> # Call sysAddWatchlistValues  
msiem api --method 'remove_watchlist_values' --args watchlist=<value> values=<value> # Call sysRemoveWatchlistValues  
msiem api --method 'get_watchlist_values' --args id=<value> # Call SYS_GETWATCHLISTDETAILS  
msiem api --method 'remove_watchlists' --args wl_id_list=<value> # Call sysRemoveWatchlist  
msiem api --method 'get_user_locale'  # Call getUserLocale  
msiem api --method 'time_zones'  # Call userGetTimeZones  
msiem api --method 'logout'  # Call logout  
msiem api --method 'get_sys_info'  # Call SYS_GETSYSINFO  
msiem api --method 'get_esm_time'  # Call essmgtGetESSTime  
msiem api --method 'build_stamp'  # Call essmgtGetBuildStamp