class documentation

class msiempy.core.types.NitroObject(abc.ABC): (source)

Known subclasses: msiempy.core.types.NitroDict, msiempy.core.types.NitroList, msiempy.ESM

View In Hierarchy

Base class for all nitro objects. All objects have a reference to the single msiempy.core.session.NitroSession object that handle the esm requests. Creates the object session.
Class NitroJSONEncoder Custom JSON encoder that will use the approprtiate propertie depending of the type of NitroObject. TODO support json json dumping of QueryFilers, may be by making them inherits from NitroDict.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Instance Variable nitro msiempy.core.session.NitroSession object. Interface to the SIEM.
Method text Returns printable string. Abstract declaration.
Method json Returns json string representation. Abstract declaration.
Method refresh Re-load the object. Abstract declaration.
nitro = (source)
msiempy.core.session.NitroSession object. Interface to the SIEM.
def text(self): (source)
Returns printable string. Abstract declaration.
def json(self): (source)
Returns json string representation. Abstract declaration.
def refresh(self): (source)
Re-load the object. Abstract declaration.
API Documentation for msiempy, generated by pydoctor 20.7.1 at 2020-11-18 14:02:21.